About the Speaker

Alex Goodwin
Vice President
Turner Capital Investments

Alex Goodwin is the vice president at Turner Capital. Holding a Series 65 certification, Mr. Goodwin oversees company operations, ensuring client needs are met. As the protégé of Mike Turner, Mr. Goodwin has been equipped to effectively run Turner Capital’s investment strategies.

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Turner Capital Investments
Speaker Schedule
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 10:05 am - 10:35 am EST
Generate Market-Beating Returns in Bull and Bear Markets!
Alex Goodwin |Turner Capital Investments

Investing in the market is a difficult and time-consuming process, especially in today’s age. The typical buy-and-hold strategy relies on the current stock market bubble to expand eternally…leaving the individual investor with two choices: Weather the storm when the bear market comes or find a better way to invest. In this session, Alex Goodwin will provide you with a strategy that has the potential to generate massive returns in BOTH bull and bear markets while only trading broad market ETFs. Join this presentation to learn how Turner Capital can help your portfolio generate outstanding returns with significantly less risk than the market. 

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