About the Speaker

Brian Hicks
Angel Publishing
For the past 27 years, Brian Hicks has shown investors how to profit from America's innovative and dynamic economy. He is a founding member of Angel Publishing, an investment research house that has made its living predicting and profiting from some of the most profound market trends. Trends like electric vehicles, renewable energy, cryptocurrencies, robotics, and cannabis, to name but a few. Mr. Hicks calls Angel Publishing a predictive powerhouse, a herd leader that gets to the good grass first. Thirsty for his next blockbuster, his successful theory for finding tomorrow's winning stocks has landed him frequent appearances on the screens of CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox News.
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Speaker Schedule
Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 3:55 pm - 4:25 pm EST
My #1 Dividend Stock for 2024-2025
Brian Hicks |Angel Publishing

With over 12,500 miles of pipeline (enough to go back and forth to New York and Los Angeles four times), this oil and gas MLP kicks off an 8% dividend while only trading a p/e of 10. It currently trades for $41 a share (up from $17 in 2020) and I think it's going back to its all-time high of $80! 

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