About the Speaker

Mike Turner
President and Professional Portfolio Manager
Turner Capital Investments, LLC

Michael Turner, president and chief portfolio manager of Turner Capital Investments, LLC, has a strong financial, mathematical, computer science, and engineering background. He takes a disciplined, rules-based approach to trading through the use of his unique market-directional investments. 

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Turner Capital Investments
Speaker Schedule
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 11:50 am - 12:20 pm EDT
Making Serious Money without Guessing About the Future
Mike Turner |Turner Capital Investments, LLC

Far too many investors think, wrongly, that the only way to generate serious profits in the stock market is to properly position capital to take advantage of the future, be it AI or Trump or Biden or unsustainable national debt or EVs. But, most investors are more adept at losing serious money in the stock market than making consistent profits.

Everyone wants to beat the S&P 500 and avoid bear market losses. I will show you how a rules-based methodology generates well over 20% per year, has never had a losing year, only buys/sells the two major indexes, and makes no more than three or four trades per year. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is not voodoo magic or options or futures. It is simply buying and selling the S&P 500 ETF and the Nasdaq 100 ETF at the right time. If you are willing to think outside the box, you cannot afford to miss this session!  Oh… and wait until you see how bear markets are handled with inverse index ETFs! 

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