About the Speaker

Luke Lloyd
Wealth Advisor & Investment Strategist
Strategic Wealth Partners

An entrepreneur at heart, Luke Lloyd realized his love for business when he created his first one at the age of 17. Armed with an analytical mind and a background in mathematics, Mr. Lloyd is particularly adept at analyzing stock market trends through technical and fundamental analysis. An outspoken advocate for capitalism and the free markets, he is able to share his expertise on the economy and stock market through his national media appearances on Fox Business, Fox News, and CNBC.

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Speaker Schedule
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 11:15 am - 11:45 am EST
AI Revolution, Socialism, & Underrated Artificial Intelligence Stocks
Luke Lloyd |Strategic Wealth Partners

Technology has always replaced jobs, but it has also always created new jobs. Are we close to a point where AI and technology will just replace jobs without creating new jobs? If that’s the case, companies will implement technological innovations to make their businesses more efficient and profitable, which is great for investors. The government will push more socialistic policies on us. As this scenario unfolds, what are some underrated and less looked at AI/Technology investments that you could look at? Luke will try to answer how this could unfold and where you should be looking. 

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