About the Speaker

William Flaig
CEO and Founder
American Conservative Values ETF

William Flaig, founder & CEO, of American Conservative Values ETF, has over 25 years of extensive investment management and trading experience, Mr. Flaig has been involved with the launch of 12 ETFs, 11 mutual funds, and the portfolio management of over 40 investment objectives. 

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American Conservative Values ETF
Speaker Schedule
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 12:10 pm - 12:40 pm EDT
Learn to Invest with Your Conservative Values
William Flaig |American Conservative Values ETF

An investment alternative for politically conservative investors whose priority is shareholder returns. Simply put, ACVF seeks to exclude companies perceived to be most hostile to conservative values without sacri?cing performance. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024, 4:40 pm - 4:50 pm EDT
Interview with Mike Larson
William Flaig |American Conservative Values ETF

Some investors seek to align their investing portfolios with their personal values. But can investors do that without sacrificing potential returns? In this interview segment, you’ll learn about one firm and ETF that believes it has a solution for politically conservative individuals. Be sure to tune in!

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