About the Exhibitors

Stansberry Asset Management (“SAM”) is an SEC-registered investment adviser. We take pride in our independent thinking, creating tailored portfolios that cater to your individual goals using informed active management. Let us help guide you toward a stable, fulfilling financial future by helping to clarify where you stand now, where your path is taking you, and what is important to you and your family.

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Exhibitor Schedule
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 11:50 am - 12:20 pm EST
Capturing Asymmetry in a Bottle: Finding Attractive Risk-Adjusted Investments in an Increasingly Volatile Environment
Mario Valente |Stansberry Asset Management

Investing in the markets has been a knife fight in the phone booth for the last couple of years. Therefore, we’ve endeavored to find investments that correlate little to the overall markets. We firmly believe that asset classes such as Merger Arbitrage and Busted Convertibles provide an exceptional solution for clients seeking idiosyncratic returns in today’s uncertain world. We invite you to learn how these esoteric tactics have meaningfully benefited our clients.

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